Posts Tagged: peer review

Peer Review

Here is the link to group 9’s learning resource:

Reviewing group 9’s learning resource as quite an enjoyment. Choosing to lay out their information on a website provided a more interactive experience than I was expecting. Over several pages integrated within the site, the group gave a comprehensive overview of their lesson plan and activities. 

    Beginning with the first page giving some context and rationale towards the different theories and content we have reviewed in the course. It might be beneficial to include a longer description of the learning design, including more on what project-work includes and the strengths/weaknesses of the choice. This will provide more opportunity to engage with the material from class. As well, the demographic/context of the learner could be more detailed. Perhaps expanding on why you chose 5th grade specifically, and how the method of instruction would change in a virtual setting. Understandably your activity and content is fairly active and hands-on, making the technological side a bit more difficult. I think this is a great opportunity to explore what this looks like in a virtual class.

    I enjoyed the aesthetics of your assessment plan. However, it might be beneficial to go into a bit more detail as to how you are going to assess the students. Even staying away from exact marks as you mention, more focused on the progress, how will you track this? You might have missed a summative assessment as well. 

    Throughout the learning resource, there were connections to some content/external resources used. While there was a bibliography section of the website, I might have missed the footnotes/in-text citations used throughout the site. You might want to consider citing the ideas, for example the technology rationale explanation connecting with the Gruno, J. & Gibbons article you include. 

Each of the lesson descriptions and outcomes were very well detailed. Including clear descriptions and interactive activities for the students to complete. There were clear connections between the outcomes and activities. I think that the activities you have outlined would be perfect in the classroom environment you describe, and would be fun to participate in at that age level!

Overall I enjoyed going through your learning resource. It is quite strong and easy to follow. I believe that with some fine tuning, it will be a great resource for others to follow!